Alyx and Purix
Tomatoes are one of Nigeria’s largest crops, but inadequate cold chains contribute to the loss or waste of approximately 45 percent of the annual 4-5 million ton harvest. Danish innovator Purix and Nigerian agribusiness Alyx are piloting a low-cost post-harvest cooling solution for use at the farm gate to extend produce shelf life. The pilot will also investigate the benefits of transporting tomatoes in stackable crates in refrigerated trucks, with the aim, with the aim of raising the quality and weight of tomatoes at the end of their journey from farm to market.
The Purix Plug & Play Solar Cooling System can be installed as an effective stand-alone unit, or integrated with existing air condition systems to maximize cooling capacity using green technology.

Alyx developed a cold chain logistic method where small cold room trailers are rented to farmers to transport their produce from farms to aggregations centers or markets.