Vios Medical / Regency Healthcare
February 2017- September 2017
Regency Hospital, in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Vios Medical created the Vios Monitoring System (VMS), allowing automated continuous surveillance of patients’ physiological vital signs in a non-ICU setting. In this pilot, Vios implemented monitoring systems in general medical-surgical wards at Regency Healthcare allowing clinicians to monitor, manage, and provide care to patients remotely.
Vios Medical

Regency Healthcare

- 250 patients enrolled in the pilot.
- Regency physicians gave positive feedback on the comfort and accuracy of the Vios system.
- Compared to output of gold standard equipment, physicians found Vios accurate and reliable.
- Vios incorporated verbal feedback from end users on how to improve workflow efficiency.
Lessons Learned
- The pilot provided valuable insights on how the Vios Monitoring System could be improved, based on feedback from users, including requests for new features.
- Vios identified potential for new use cases, such as ambulatory monitoring, emergency care, and remote consulting.)
- Vios sought to incorporate new product applications in its service offerings to meet variations in local needs.
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