AI provides early warning of patients at risk of clinical deterioration
Feb 2019 - Oct 2019
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre (SCMPA) used Laura, an artificial intelligence platform, to alert care team professionals of patients at risk of clinical deterioration to reduce mortality rates. It also improved the provider’s operational processes. This pilot was implemented at seven Santa Casa de Misericórdia’s hospitals.
- Laura directly monitored 22,500 patients
- 200,000 patient data sets were used to build Laura’s machine learning model
- SCMPA observed a 30% reduction in general mortality (from 6.36% to 4.39%) in the floors where Laura was deployed
- Laura increased vital signs collection by 38.9%
Lessons Learned
Laura learned how to face challenges they were not prepared for before. In addition, they learned how to manage and align expectations of stakeholders from very different locations and backgrounds
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